Linda Evangelista And Controversial Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures.

Are Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures Risky or Not?

Linda Evangelista, 90's Canadian Supermodel and Icon, recently revived the controversy surrounding non-invasive cosmetic procedures by revealing on Instagram that she is now ‘permanently deformed’ as a result of a Zeltiq CoolSculpting procedure.

CoolSculpting is a popular fat-freezing cosmetic treatment whereby body fat is either eliminated, Linda says it “has not only destroyed my livelihood, it has sent me into a cycle of deep depression, profound sadness, and the lowest depths of self-loathing.” Linda developed a rare side effect as a result of cryolipolysis, which is the opposite of the desired effect, and says that she wasn't warned about this risk beforehand.

Non-invasive cosmetic procedures include laser hair removal, chemical peels, laser tattoo removal, Botox injections and others. With their popularity continuing to rise, it is easy to see why people are starting to seek out these types of treatments. There are benefits that come with these procedures, but there are also risks that should be considered. In this blog, we will be addressing the controversy surrounding non-invasive cosmetic procedures and offering a few tips to keep you safe.

What Is Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures?

Non-invasive cosmetic procedure is a procedure that does not require an incision. This is a great alternative for those who want corrective surgeries with minimal treatment. It is also a good option for those who do not have the time or money to undergo a procedure that requires general anaesthesia.

Who Are These Procedures For?

This non-surgical treatment is great for those who want to improve their appearance in one area, or repair an aspect of their body that they are not happy with. Non-invasive procedures are also for those who have any type of medical condition whereby the non-invasive method would be a safer alternative.

What Are The Benefits?

Non-invasive cosmetic procedures are generally safe. When compared to surgery, you are more likely to experience little scarring and general discomfort, which is why they are great for those who want to be able to quickly reverse or change their look. First, you will be able to see the results immediately since it requires little downtime. In addition, there are minimal incisions, so is a great option for those who want to avoid the scars and lines of a surgical procedure. Low cost is another great benefit. 

What Are The Risks?

There are some health risks associated with non-invasive procedures, but they are generally considered to be minimal. The risks generally associated with non-invasive procedures are minor bruising, swelling, and minor discomfort. There are also some risks that come with non-invasive procedures that are not usually considered part of the procedure. These risks, which include pain, infections and allergic reactions, generally present themselves about a week after the procedure.

Are These Procedures Regulated? 

The problem with non-invasive procedures is that they are often unregulated. Because of this lack of regulation, people are often sceptical about how safe these procedures are. The truth is that all non-invasive procedures are safe if the provider is properly trained and experienced in the procedure. With continued developments in this area, there are also techniques that can be used to minimize even further all risks involved.

Societal Pressures And Growing Demand 

One of the big debates surrounding these types of procedures is whether societal pressure forces women to resort to these procedures. It is certainly a big part of the equation. In this case, society expectations and standards push women to have these procedures to have the perfect body or look. With this in mind, it is important to examine why this is the case. It may be connected to how we view our bodies, as well as other social norms regarding what we should look like. The truth is that there are studies that show that many people who have this done feel more attractive once the procedure is over. In fact, a recent survey found that 70% of women who have had this done report feeling better about themselves. There was a time when people were told to be thin, and now it seems that everyone wants to look perfect.

Conclusion: How to Find the Right Non-Invasive Procedure for You?

If you do opt for any cosmetic procedure, it is important that you speak with your doctor beforehand. Ask questions and consider your medical history and any chronic conditions you may have which may affect the procedure. Research the risks and any associated side effects, and decide if it is right for you.

You should also take time to find a qualified medical professional in the field because it will help ensure that your experience is safe and effective, help you to choose the best treatment for your individual needs and avoid unwanted complications down the road. 

Olyinka magazine is a digital magazine that is focused on body confidence, body positivity and wellness, and we would love it if every woman would accept themselves as they are and not resort to any kind of cosmetic procedure. However, we are not naive and understand there is a growing demand for these procedures which means women still feel the need to change their appearance and there is nothing wrong with this, what we would like is for you to be informed and safe.

Have you had any cosmetic treatments, and what was your experience? Or are you anti these treatments? We would love to know why. Please comment below

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