7 Top New Year's Resolutions For 2021

2020 was intense for us all, and as we enter into 2021 with some trepidation, it's understandable that you may feel a little jaded, despondent,  and wondering whether it is even worthwhile making resolutions at all. We get it sis.

But despite the nonsense of 2020 and contrary to how you may be feeling, this is still the perfect time to start compiling your resolutions for 2021.

Still not convinced….?

Well, 2020 tried to unsettle your life, your mental health, your home, business, relationships etc. You went through “the unsettling” and came out the other end.

It is now time to take back control.  You cannot control everything that life throws at you, but you can control how YOU handle them, and setting resolutions will enable you to take back control.

“There is a love hate relationship when it comes to resolutions and goal setting, but this is what we know to be true, when you are silent and your voice and desires are not written,  heard or intentionalised, you are allowing other voices to speak for you. You are complicit with those voices whether you like it or not.”

So your mission for this year, should you choose to accept it, is not to be silent and establish some goals, no matter how hard it may seem to put pen to paper.  Let 2021 know what you want for your life and start implementing them asap.

Your 2021 resolutions will be different from those you may have done in the past.  No more flimsy goals you have no intention of fulfilling.  This time it’s personal. You will be telling 2021 the plans you have for it and not the other way round and your resolutions will focus on your mental health and well being.

We have compiled 7 key topics we believe you should include in your resolutions to get you back on track, and please note, this exercise is about easing your way into 2021, so we advise that you take your time,  go easy on yourself and enjoy the process.

  1. Write down your mission statement for 2021.

    Your statement should be short and not overly ambitious.  In a short sentence, write down ONE thing you would like to achieve in 2021.  Your statement will be the umbrella under which all your goals will be achieved.

  2. Write down a mental health and wellness resolution. 

    What do you need to look after your mental health this year?  See a therapist? Talk to someone?  Exercise? Whatever it is, ensure that you implement this and make it a routine.  The battle for the mind is real folks, and with the constant noise and information vying for your attention,  it is crucial that you take control of your mind and set some time aside to give it the love and attention it deserves.  Be selective with the information you feed your brain and keep you mind healthy and happy.  Make this a priority for 2021.

  3. Be focused and grounded. 

    In times of change, being grounded is a must and practicing groundedness should be a necessary part of your routine this year.  Not sure what this is, or how to do this?  Well, try this exercise; Close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a room surrounded by strong swirling winds, the winds surround you, but they do not touch you, you are unaffected.

    When you practice this technique or others, every day for a minimum of five minutes, through guided meditation, prayer, or whatever tools make you comfortable, you are preparing your body, mind, soul and spirit to be unaffected by the winds of change and the storms of life that may arise. You can check out some techniques on You Tube.  This is a must for you this year. 

  4. Set a Joy resolution.

    2020 tried to take away your joy, but not 2021.  Make it your mission to insert joy into your life. Be intentional and deliberate.  Whatever joy looks like for you, partake in it, indulge in it. This is a necessity for the times we are in.

  5. Sign up to a Wellness podcasts/newsletters. 

    Sign up to resources that will serve your mental health, and set some quality time aside to listen or read.  There are innumerable number of podcasts online whose goal it is to encourage and support you.  You can even sign up to our newsletter below.  The goal for you in 2021 is to get you  connected to resources that will keep you vibrationally high and positive. 

  6. Find a community.

    This is essential.  Being part of a community can be a great source of strength and comfort in these times.  Again, go online, check out Instagram, Facebook groups and sign up.

  7. Be healthy.

    Ensuring that your body, mind, soul, and spirit is healthy and balanced for 2021 is key, but try to be realistic with your healthy goals.  Health resolutions fail in January because they are not realistic.  So what is? Well, make it your goal to include a salad in your diet at least once a week,  any more than that, is a bonus.  Exercise at least once a week, again, any more than this, is an achievement.  And please, don’t diet, why would you put yourself through even more torture in these trying times? 

    Take your vitamins, drink lots of water, stay hydrated and try to maintain a balanced diet and its ok to indulge once in a while.  With everything in life, balance is key, the goal is to ensure that any health goals you set this year are achievable, sustainable, and that your heart and immune system is healthy and happy.

So these are our seven tips!

Now, if after doing this, you feel motivated to add more resolutions, then please do so. The purpose of this exercise is to build confidence, get you back on track, get you motivated, focused and ready to kick ass in 2021.

You got this!

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