Boob Positivity: What Women Really Think.

Promoting Body Confidence Through Self-Love

We All Have Our Insecurities

(This post was originally published on August 4th 2021, updated on May 1st 2024)

We've all been there - struggling to zip up a dress, avoiding certain tops or dresses, crossing our arms or slouching to hide our chest. Breasts come in such a wide range of shapes and sizes, yet we're bombarded with images of the so-called "perfect breasts," It's no wonder so many women feel insecure.

But what if we stopped measuring ourselves against airbrushed models and embraced the beautiful diversity of women's bodies? With open minds, we can shift the harmful narratives that arrow us down to body parts and make so many of us feel "less than."

Boob Positivity is About Self-Love

This is the spirit behind “Boob Positivity” is self love, It's more than a trend or hashtag - it's a mindset, a community, a journey of learning to truly love our bodies that transforms how we operate in the world. Imagine not feeling the need to hide under baggy clothes or minimising bras and picture having the confidence to wear what you want without shame or anxiety. That's freedom.

Of course, real change takes time. Years of conditioning won't disappear overnight, but the more we talk openly and honestly about bodies, the more we chip away at unhealthy stereotypes.

Cultivating Self-Love

At our Olyinka headquarters, we deal with breasts daily, and we have made it our goal to tirelessly advocate for a positive body image. We believe the key to shift how women see their bodies starts with the mind and intentionally cultivating self-love.

Self-love plays a key role in promoting positive body image and self-esteem, by routinely cultivating and nurturing acceptance of our bodies, we can boost our confidence and self-worth.

Self-love involves three core steps:

  • First, become aware of your thoughts and feelings about your body and question whether they are truthful and supportive.

  • Next, remind yourself daily of your body's inherent beauty and complexity and make celebrating your unique self part of your routine.

  • Finally, reconsider how you value your body. Reject the notion that you're never good enough and embrace who you truly are.

When we go through these three steps, we can remove negative self-talk, ignore body shamers, and let go of unrealistic standards. The result is a deep connection with our bodies, rooted in self-acceptance, comfort, and love. This self-love then radiates outward, empowering us to walk through the world with confidence. As a result, we become role models, helping to shift perspectives and spread the body positivity message.

What Women Really Think About Their Breasts.

The Cut Magazine gave us a glimpse into this intimate territory in their article New York Women who draw their boobs They surveyed 57 women ages 17-72, asking them to draw their breasts and share a sentence about their feelings.

The results were candid, vulnerable, and often inspiring. Each woman's rendering and reflection highlighted the deeply personal relationship we have with this part of our bodies. Some expressed pride and self-love. Others focused on changing shapes through life stages. Some shared insecurities, some embraced quirks. But the openness and honesty from this diverse group of women gave us insight into the emotions breasts can evoke.

Most importantly, the project upheld the spirit of boob positivity by providing a judgement-free space for self-expression. The women's drawings and words reminded us that our breasts connect us in our shared experiences as human beings. And when we listen without prejudice, we can better understand and support each other.

Women's thoughts on their breasts also vary greatly depending on where they are in their bra fitting journey. Ensuring you are wearing a supportive, well-fitted bra can make a big difference in comfort and confidence.

Embracing Our Authentic Selves

Just like the women in The Cut's project, our breasts tell a story – a story that's deeply personal and part of our unique journey as women. As we learn to love and accept our bodies, we embrace a powerful form of self-love. This isn't always a smooth road, especially with the pressures of modern society, but by celebrating our bodies and sharing our experiences, we build a stronger sense of community and empowerment.

Finding Support on Your Boob Positivity Journey With Olyinka Lingerie.

If you'd like to take the next step in your boob positivity journey, Olyinka offers a few ways to help:

Find your perfect fit with our bra calculator

Learn the ins and outs of bra sizing for optimal support and style.

Learn the ins and outs of bra sizing for optimal support and style.

Explore our tips to build a loving relationship with your whole self.

Experience the luxury of bespoke lingerie tailored just for you.

Let's Build Community Together

Olyinka Magazine offers a space where real women share their stories and perspectives on body image and self-love. Subscribe to become part of this supportive community, where we realize that we're never alone in our experiences.

What are your thoughts on boob positivity? Let's continue this important conversation below and create a space of love and acceptance for all.

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